a year of travels and social events, and of acquiring new maintenance-oriented skills. the hackerspace saw more activity, with events both in the building and outside in parks. during the first 5 months of the year i wrapped up a grant that started back in 2022 and at the tail end of summer i began consulting with a great non-profit to lend my expertise and do research on their behalf. while i had great hopes & plans of sailing at the year's onset—and acquired my short range certificate—a subjectively dramatic (double!) capsize with my dinghy combined with subsequent long rail-bound travel plans upset those. with my telescope trained on the horizon i enter the new year with renewed hopes, plans, and preparations to meet 2025's waters!
it was a year that saw a changing of food habits for the better by eating less processed food and instead favoring more whole plant foods, and reducing my intake of (excessive) cooking oil as well. it is also the year i bought a sailing dinghy and sailed solo for the first time. as part of joining boat life i had many pleasant exchanges with people from my local yacht club and in and around the harbor. there was also a significant learning curve that i managed to ascend, picking up many odd skills, items, and facts relating to dinghy life. a lot of time was also spent heads down and typing furiously as part of our first nlnet grant with cabal: finishing a specification and implementing a proof of concept for the peer to peer cable group chat protocol.